Why I Became A Heart-Centered Life Coach

July 1, 2024

What’s a heart-centered life coach?

Here’s how I marry the vision of the heart with the intellect of the mind to create dramatic results.

All of my life, I’ve been seen as “emotional” or “dramatic.” I’m a big feeler of my emotions. When I love, I love big. When I hurt, I hurt big.

But living so openly tends to leave you vulnerable to heartache and experiences that make you want to contract and make yourself smaller. After living with my heart wide open for a while, I began to protect myself. Specific life experiences made me feel like it wasn’t safe to be authentic in my feelings. 

Over the years, I went from being in constant connection with my heart to not trusting my heart in decisions, big and small. One day, I decided that kind of life just wasn’t enough for me.



Reconnecting to the Heart

For a long time, life was okay most days and even pretty good some days. But it could have been better. Life didn’t feel like I hoped it could. It wasn’t until I spent time reconnecting to my heart that I discovered the truth. It was all just a set of beliefs.

My life experiences had taught me that my friends wouldn’t be there for me. But that belief was tied to an experience from middle school, and years later, I was still operating under that false belief. I knew I could return to that place if I reconnected to my heart again. That’s why I choose to align with my heart today.

The heart is a place where we can find inner strength and wisdom. It will tell us when we’re out of balance, or someone has violated a healthy boundary. Typically, our minds override the voice of the heart. The voice of the reason is loud, fast-paced, and distracting. It rationalizes everything we feel into a story, a behavior, or a reaction. It will confront people and criticize you to the point where you can become your worst enemy. Your mind will tell you that you’re stupid, shout, “WHAT were you thinking?!” and make sure you never forget a failure or a misstep. Your mind tells you things that just aren’t true. But listening to your heart is different than listening to your mind.

Your heart is clear. It will tell you you are good enough, loved, worthy, capable, and strong. Your heart has nothing but compassion for all the things you try and all the moments you open yourself up for because it tells the truth.

My heart is the greater of the two, the wiser of the two – but when you can marry the intellect of the mind with the gift of the heart, that’s when you’re really onto something.


Coaching the Mind

Once you reconnect with your heart, you’ll have clarity, connection, and insight – a clear vision for your next steps. Whatever you’re searching for, your heart will reveal it. But it’s your mindset that allows you to stick to that vision. Your heart gives you the vision, and your mind gives you the willingness to see it through. For me, that requires clarity, Accountability, and support. It requires a coach.

One of the reasons I love working with a coach is the mindset transformations and the results. With a coach, you have a dedicated person partnering with you, not necessarily to revisit the past but to grow through it. That’s the difference between a therapist and a coach. A therapist diagnoses traumas of the past and focuses on healing; a coach acknowledges the trauma and looks for a way to strengthen your inner resources and move forward.

A coach helps you look toward the future, build momentum, re-align with your goals, and create outcomes you only dreamed were possible. They don’t give you the answers, but they ask you the questions that open up new ways of thinking. They can help you acknowledge patterns that have previously eluded you.

One of the most potent components of good coaching is Accountability. I often hear that from the women I work with daily. The questions help them see things in a new light.

They find the most significant value when I ask how to provide support and Accountability. 

Knowing I will check in – that I’m personally invested in their progress – keeps them motivated and committed to creating the life they want most. In many ways, coaches accelerate the timeline of your growth to get the results you’re looking for. My specialty is helping women find a new level of acceptance, confidence, and fulfillment that they never thought possible before.


Getting Results That Matter

With this specialized training, I’m bringing the heart into life coaching, and we’re seeing incredible results! The women I partner with are willing to shake things up and ask for more. 

And that’s precisely what they’re getting from this heart-centered work: more joy, more purpose, more confidence, more creativity, more strength. They’re unlocking a new vision for their lives and finding unparalleled pleasure in the journey.

Melissa Hull

An empowerment coach, international speaker, and bestselling author guiding women to heal, grow, and live authentically after personal loss.

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