Tune Into Your Inner Voice In 3 Easy Steps

November 25, 2024

Ready to turn down the volume on fear and truly learn how to listen to your inner voice? Get clear on your 2025 goals by embracing your inner wisdom and embarking on a journey of self-discovery.

As we wrap up 2024, we’re looking ahead at the start of a new year. Year-end planning can be intimidating enough. So, the last thing we want to do is let fear take the wheel. 

When it comes to 2025 goal setting, the question of the hour is: How do you conquer the fear of making the wrong choices, so you can step into a place of courageous clarity and make the right choices?

I’ve spent years figuring out how to give myself permission to dream without limits. Through personal growth coaching and self-discovery, here are a few nuggets of wisdom I’ve found along the way.

Why Your Goals Aren’t Working

When it comes time to brainstorm your biggest goals, dreams, and desires for the future, typically, the first thing you do is ask yourself what you want. And then, almost without fail, we immediately talk ourselves out of it.

Whether you want to start your own business or move to Italy, your internal conversation will almost always turn to: That’s crazy – and totally impractical! You don’t have the money. That could put your financial security at risk. You’re too old. Your time has come and gone. You’re too inexperienced. No one cares what you have to say. Who do you think you are?!

In a single moment, we shut ourselves down from the things that would make our lives worth living. We take away the experiences and achievements that would be the most meaningful. We reject our own creative ideas and desires before we even give our dreams a chance to really be explored.

Sometimes, we lose more to indecision than we do to wrong decisions. That’s why developing our ability to listen to our inner voice without inhibition, self-doubt, or criticism is important.

What’s Inner Voice?

Your inner voice is that thought pattern that urges you to follow your own gut — rather than listening to the world around you. It’s the thoughts and ideas that pop into our minds to guide us toward joy, growth, healing, peace, and expansion. It’s the gut feeling we’ve completely taught ourselves to ignore.

It encourages us to find and share the contributions that only we have to this world. And it’s there for a reason. It’s meant to guide us and shape our lives, even if the path seems impractical to our conscious minds, fears, and peers. 

What would happen — what would change — if we let our inner voice lead instead of our fears and other people’s opinions? How much more joy and purpose could we bring into our lives?

Why Should I Trust My Inner Voice?

Well, for me, it changed everything. Tuning into and following my inner voice was the ultimate game-changer. I struggled with this for a long time until about three years ago; I dedicated myself to this exact challenge.

Everything I feared, everything that kept me from moving forward, I now teach others through personal growth coaching, helping them explore self-discovery and experience this next-level kind of joy and freedom.

The self-doubt, the anxiety, the internal conflict — it all became quiet when I committed myself to following my inner voice. And my life became exceedingly simple and prolific at the same time. My creativity went from 0 to 1 billion. I was flooded with ideas to change the world, and I could clearly see how best to go about it. 

Today, I have so many ideas and messages that now it’s about determining what aligns best with my mission and feeds the vision of the life I want to create. And that’s what I want for you.

How Do I Hear My Inner Voice?

So, how do you tune into your inner voice when fear and the world around you are so loud? Personal growth coaching and self-discovery play vital roles here. 

It takes time, effort, and trust. But once you give it a try, that little voice inside you will become stronger and louder with each day. So, let’s dive in.

3 Ways To Tune Into Your Inner Voice

1. Get Active

Whether it’s taking the stairs instead of the elevator or scheduling regular short walks to break up the day, moving your body is one of the quickest ways to silence critics and tune into the truth inside you. It doesn’t even have to be exercise. 

For me, sometimes it’s just picking up a paintbrush and feeling the mind-body connection between my mind’s eye and my hand as I bring my creative vision to life. Even doodling can lead to the absent-minded drawing of my innermost desires. 

Sometimes words will even spontaneously appear on the page, helping me clarify the messages of my inner voice and really get clear on what my gut intuition was telling me.

It’s amazing to me the way actively doing something to feed the energy in my body makes my inner voice jump forward and speak out. I encourage you to try it anytime you’re feeling disconnected from your inner guide.

2. Write

Writing changed drastically the way I tune into myself and get clear on my inner message on a daily basis. You see, learning how to listen to your inner voice isn’t just something you do when you want answers. It’s something you do regularly and with dedication so your inner wisdom can show you the answers when you need them. It’s not a “set it and forget it” type of practice.

To receive the guidance you need to reach your dreams, you have to be listening when you don’t want to hear the truth, too. That’s why writing helps keep that line of communication open on a regular basis. It’s an open channel between you and your deep wisdom.

So check your messages regularly! I did this by dedicating myself to morning pages. Every morning, I let all my dreams, every possibility I wanted for myself, flow from my mind to my hand to the page. It was no longer stuck inside of me, and I could see it on the page, outside of me, and reflect on it objectively.

3. Replace Fear with Curiosity

Once I got into the regular practice of tuning into my inner voice, I had the secondary challenge of figuring out how to trust and follow its guidance. And that had everything to do with fear. So I decided, in order to learn how to listen to your inner voice, I would kick fear out of the driver’s seat and replace it with childlike curiosity.

I learned to approach things that felt scary as something to be curious about instead. I asked questions instead of making assumptions. I approached new topics from a place of: “I don’t know enough about this, and I just want to know more.”

I refused to be embarrassed about what I didn’t know and became curious about everything. My internal landscape became so much more quiet, calm, and peaceful in the face of fear — it was amazing what I could hear from my inner creativity.

The Bottomline

If you’re struggling with the idea of starting a new decade without the kind of guidance you need to succeed, then spend the next 30 days practicing these 3 tips. Really dedicate yourself to tapping into your own inner voice, and surrender to trusting it.

Through personal growth coaching and self-discovery, you can learn how to listen to your inner voice and let it guide you. At the end of those 30 days, ask yourself if you’re living a more expressive, joyful, and fulfilling life. If the answer is yes, then keep going.

Let that voice guide you through the next year — and see how much your world changes for the better.

Melissa Hull

An empowerment coach, international speaker, and bestselling author guiding women to heal, grow, and live authentically after personal loss.

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